In-person sessions in downtown Asheville weave a ceremonial approach & somatic awareness practices to support you on a truly (w)holistic level.

  • Maya Abdominal Massage

    Ancient massage techniques address the health & position of pelvic & abdominal organs & tissues using soft & gentle manipulations to reposition misalignment, break up scar-tissues & unwind fascia, thereby stimulating circulation of blood, nerve, lymph & energy to support the body’s innate capacity to heal from conditions such as:

    Tilted/misaligned/prolapsed uterus
    Fertility challenges
    Difficult pregnancy & delivery
    Chronic miscarriages
    Painful and/or irregular menstrual cycles & ovulation
    Blood clots during menstruation & excessive bleeding
    Dark thick blood at beginning & end of menses
    Uterine and/or bladder infections
    Ovarian cysts or Endometriosis
    Uterine fibroids & polyps
    Painful intercourse
    Difficult menopause
    Pelvic congestion & pain

    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    Chronic Constipation
    Gastro-Esophogeal Reflux (GERD)
    Chronic indigestion or heartburn
    Crohn’s Disease
    Lower backaches or pelvic pain
    Headaches or migraines
    Frequent, difficult, and/or incomplete urination

  • Craniosacral Therapy

    This gentle hands-on technique addresses structural & systematic imbalances by facilitating the release of physical, emotional, or psychological stress and/or trauma restrictions using myofascial release & light touch on the head, neck & sacrum. CST supports the self-regulation & self-healing attributes of the nervous system. As the nervous system releases residual stress responses, it finds coherence again & self-healing naturally arises. It's possible in the process that fragmented emotions, memories or sensations may arise for integration. When this occurs, Audrey facilitates somatic awareness practices to help treat a number of conditions by assisting the nervous system to re-balance on a (w)holistic level.

  • Traditional Thai Massage

    Be deeply nourished by effective bodywork techniques that aim to relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and restore range of motion for increased flexibility and ease of movement by using passive stretching, compression and deep tissue techniques. Each 2hr session may include cupping, gua sha or handmade herbal products.

  • Thai Pregnancy Massage

    Audrey utilizes traditional Thai prenatal massage techniques to help normalize pelvic alignment, allowing the uterus to be guided into optimal positioning. This supports more efficient contractions & shorter labor, as well as a much more enjoyable pregnancy!

  • Integrative Bodywork

    According to your specific health goals, needs & requests, within these deeply transformative sessions Audrey utilizes the full spectrum of her tool belt, blending bodywork techniques that might include Abdominal Massage, Myofascial Release, Ayurvedic Breast Massage, Holistic Pelvic Care, Thai-inspired passive stretching, and/or Craniosacral Therapy with energetic clearing, somatic soul retrieval practices & self care recommendations to reset physical & emotional patterns.

  • Womb Healing Ceremony

    Audrey weaves both modern, trauma-sensitive somatic practices with ancient ceremonial healing that include ritual, hands on healing & intuitive guidance to support multi-dimensional transformation. She works with plant-taught medicine songs (icaros) to facilitate somatic rebirth of personal power & creative capacity that is fully integrated by the nervous system.

    Audrey offers a gentle, slow & client-led approach to working with trauma, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, medical, relational or ancestral. Her approach is rooted in over a decade of somatic study that includes nervous system energetics, somatic experiencing, mindfulness, self-generated ritual & authentic movement

ready to reclaim an embodied sense of your wholeness?

join me for a day long

Ceremonial Healing Retreat