Although I have a love of esoteric knowledge, I have found my path within & through the profound simplicity of my body's intelligence & the animate wisdom of the wild earth. It is here in the beauty & pain of embodied experience that I am learning to dwell with an open heart…

meet audrey

In 2012, chronic digestive issues, hormonal imbalances & auto-immunity forced me to drop out of college & begin a self-healing journey that led to a fascination with food as medicine and the inter-connections of mind-body-spirit.

I didn’t know it at the time, but healing my body from chronic illness was my first spiritual initiation…

I became deeply committed to understanding the root of my suffering & this led me to eventually graduate with a self-designed BA in Holistic Health & Personal Development.

My education, alongside my own healing journey, led me to explore diverse modalities and perspectives in psychology, spirituality, holistic healing & mind-body medicine, including:

  • Ayurveda, Kundalini-Tantra, Yin Yoga, Vipassana Meditation & Loving-Kindness Meditation

  • Eco-Psychology, Animism & Wilderness Therapy

  • Family-Systems Theory, Depth Psychology & Parts Work

  • Authentic Movement & Ritual Dance

  • & so much more…

Originally, I thought I would continue on in a master program for Somatic Psychology, but my soul led me into the wilderness, instead.

It was here, in the canyons of the desert southwest that I remembered a lifelong communion with the Light of Nature.

Through ceremony with sacred plant medicine, I was shown my path as medicine woman and midwife of the Light.

Over the years, the plants continually guided me back to my womb as central and center to my path. I became fascinated with the physiology of fertility, pregnancy & birth and was called to learn hands on womb healing by way of ancient folk traditions such as Traditional Thai Medicine and Mayan Spiritual Healing.

In 2016, I moved to Oregon with plans to become a birth doula and to begin a 2 year Women’s Sexual/Reproductive Health coaching program as I continued to heal my own health challenges.

This program created the foundational knowledge required to maintain a healthy womb cycle in a world full of environmental toxins and gave me the tools to support others to do the same.

Although it didn’t align for me to train as a doula until 2021, I knew my evolving medicine was to revolutionize women’s health and full-spectrum womb care.

In 2019, I received the spiritual guidance that my life was going to change drastically and that a new evolution of my path would soon begin…

Fast forward to the fall of 2020 and I was walking away from the life I had built, including my partnership, my home and my work as I knew it. I moved across country to begin anew.

At this time, I enrolled in a 3 year Ceremonial Healing Practitioner program rooted in the Shipibo lineage of plant-taught medicine song (icaros).

I choose to fully commit to my path as Medicine Woman, living a life directed by Spirit. I dove deeply into the ancient, indigenous ways of plant medicine, trauma-integration, re-patterning attachment wounds, clearing addiction and dis*ease as well as honing the skills to facilitate multi-dimensional, somatic re-birth and ancestral lineage healing for my clients.

You can learn more about my educational background below…

All the various elements of my education and life experiences continue to evolve, expand and ultimately work together, allowing me to tailor unique healing sessions to suit the needs of each client.

I currently maintain a private, in-person practice in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC as well as work with clients online.

While I primarily support women, I am willing to work with anyone who resonates with the particular medicine I carry.

kind words

"The marks of a masterful bodyworker include remarkable intuition, respect, and the understanding of physical alchemy. Audrey is gifted with all three - she responds to the delicate nuances of the body with a skill that can only come from an intimate commitment to human energetics & anatomy. Entering Audrey's space of surrender and release is a tremendous gift that leaves you feeling heard, held, and deeply loved."

honoring my teachers & guides

  • Eliza Ma'ora


    Ancient womb shamanism, primordial midwifery, plant song medicine, ceremonial healing, Sophianic Wave Healing

  • Liz Chandra Faller


    Mentorship in intuitive somatic arts, eco-feminism, authentic movement, earth-based ceremony & ritual

  • Whapio


    Holistic Doula Certification: quantum birth & holistic stages of labor

  • Dr. Rosita Arvigo


    The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage Level I & II

  • Sarah Bly


    2 year training in Fertility Awareness & Holistic Reproductive Health

  • Sarah Byrden


    Cosmological Qigong, The Great Remembering: A Reclamation of Sex, Soul and Our Eternal Wildness, Gateless Writing, Wilderness Rites of Passage

  • Shana Dean

    2014 & 2020

    Usui Reiki I II III training, Advanced Interpsychic BioEnergy Medicine & Spiritual Ascension Development

  • Carolyn Hillyer &


    The Weaver’s Trail, Proto-Celtic ancestral mother tongue songs, ancient earth magic of European ancestors, drum medicine

  • Liz Koch

    Wild Psoas, Core Awareness & Core Integrity, primal movement, core creative flourishing, neurological proprioception and skeletal balance

  • Niel Pinholster


    Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Somatic Experiencing

my educational background

  • BA Holistic Health & Personal Development, Prescott College (2012)

higher education

formal licenses

(NC LMBT #19979)

  • 500-hr Massage Therapy Program: Lotus Institute, Glenwood Springs, CO (2018)

  • 200-hour Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher, Prescott College (2012)

physical therapy continuing ed & certifications

  • Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release, (2020)

  • Basic Psoas 12-hr Workshop, Core Awareness, Liz Koch (2023)

traditional healing certifications

  • The Compassion Key, Edward Mannix (in process)

  • Ceremonial Healing Practitioner, Song of Sophia School (2020-2023)

  • Reiki Level I, II & III (2012-2020)

  • 10 Day Vipassana Meditation Sit, UK, 2013

spiritual healing certifications

women’s health certifications