As a Holistic Doula, I offer ceremonial support, bodywork & somatic integration for mother & baby in pre-conception, pregnancy & postpartum

mama, I see you…

you know there is a big soul waiting to be born through you & you’re ready to transform the vessel of your body & the foundations of your life to make room…

The rite of passage into Motherhood was always meant to be a ceremonial experience full of meaning, nurturing support, intention & ritual.

I can help make this a reality for you through any of my individual offerings or with a personalized Holistic Doula Support Package…


  • I offer a day long Ceremonial Healing Retreat to support your desire for motherhood as well as your connection with and the preparation of your womb for anchoring your spirit baby.

  • I offer a 9 month deep dive transformational coaching journey for those ready to prepare their body, mind & spirit for the wise & ancient souls that are choosing to incarnate at this time. This journey requires a committed investment of time, energy & resources. If you’re ready for a Quantum Conception experience, book a Connection Call to learn more.

  • Maya Abdominal Massage is a powerful hands-on-healing modality that supports fertility & reproductive health. It is included in the Womb Gate Ceremony as well as the Quantum Conception Journey, however, you can also book a stand alone session


  • Traditional Thai Prenatal Massage techniques help normalize pelvic alignment, allowing the uterus to be guided into optimal positioning. This supports more efficient contractions & shorter labor, as well as a much more enjoyable pregnancy!

    Regular bodywork sessions can be included in your personalized Holistic Doula Support Package.

  • 1-2 weeks before your due date, I offer a Birth Portal Blessing Ceremony to tend the threshold crossing into the mystical, mysterious experience that is labor & birth. This ceremony is part educational, part ritual and is designed to prepare you to enter into the altered state of labor in an cognitively grounded and spiritually aligned space. Partners are welcome & encouraged to participate.


  • A Closing of the Bones Ceremony happens 40 days postpartum as a way of honoring the new woman that has been birthed through the process of pregnancy and child birth. This ceremony and integration process invites you back into yourself through a deeply nurturing ritual of completion & celebration of becoming MOTHER. Book Here

  • An infant’s nervous system is completely un-differentiated from their environment. This means they need co-regulation in order to feel safe. Birth trauma, breast-feeding challenges, sleep disturbances or disruptions in the emotional field of the family can all reflect or contribute to a dysregulated infant. CST helps restore the innate sense of coherence within an infant’s CNS so that they have a greater foundation for stress-resiliency. Audrey also includes a Family Field Resonance Ritual as a part of this in-home offering to support a more cohesive unified field within the family system. Book aConnection Callto learn more.

Maybe you’ve spent the last several years doing all the “things” to prepare your body for conception…

ancestral healing, detox & cleansing, couple’s therapy, cycle tracking, embodiment practices…

Now it’s time to begin the conception journey!

You know you want the full experience, from pre-conception to postpartum, to be guided by your innate knowing but you want someone to hold you along the way & support you to keep returning to yourself.

Or maybe you’re just beginning to imagine what it would mean for you to become a mother

…you sense what could be possible but you’re feeling overwhelmed by the cultural beliefs, fears, expectations or lack of guidance about beginning your fertility/conception journey in a way that aligns with your values & beliefs.

Maybe you have a sense for what is possible, but you don’t even know where to begin or whom to consult…

If either of these scenarios sound like you, I welcome you to connect with me & together we can vision into what your pre-conception, pregnancy and/or postpartum experience could look like with my Holistic Doula Support…